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Two days to learn about MAPs in Turkey

    On days 22 and 23 of June, more than 50 people reunited to talk and learn about Medicinal Aromatic Plants in Turkey. The multiplier event, organised by ÇOMÜ, project partner of the WildMAPsFit consortium, was defined by the participants as very useful and educational.

    The programme, divided into two sessions, was attended by professors Harun Baytekin and Kemal Çelik, both from the Faculty of Agriculture at the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. As the main objective was to communicate the work done at the WildMAPsFit project and the importance of Medicinal Aromatic Plants in today’s world, the topics addressed put special focus on plant identification, challenges related to regulatory status, earth-centred herbalism, herbal tradition and history, quality control and the lack of knowledge about TM/CAM (Traditional and complementary/alternative medicine).

    After immersing themselves in knowledge gathering and sharing, participants were able to enjoy time for discussion among themselves and to meet other people involved in wild MAPs, such as VET providers, public authorities, members of chambers of commerce, SME owners, business trainers and students.

    To conclude the event and after trying out some of the WildMAPsFit learning modules, participants received a certificate as an indicator of what turned out to be a very productive workshop.