The contents of the modules created by the WildMAPsFiT project are based on the responses from the focus groups and questionnaires. The conclusions reached are detailed in deliverable 4 of Intellectual Output 1, led by University College Dublin.
From the 178 people participating, the following data can be drawn:
· 74% of the participants did not receive professional training on harvesting and processing MAPs.
· The most demanded trainings are related to production of MAPs (24%), wild collection (21%), primary processing (22%) and other post-harvest activities (27%).
· 87% of the participants consider drying as an essential step for MAPs preservation and 62% would not describe the process of drying as complex or expensive.
· The most demanded types of sale format are dried (26%), bulk packaging (21%) and fresh (19%).
When asked about the use of technological tools, 52% of the participants said they don’t use any, 27% use weather data, 12% use plant identification apps and 9% use a GPS. 28% of them answered use of technological tools when asked for interest in non-crop related learning.
From this deliverable, we can conclude the real necessity of the market for a complete curriculum to train the future and current professionals of the field. The participants were all in want of some training regarding the fundamental types of processing MAPs, as well as the production and collection of them.
In an increasingly competitive world, it is not enough just to learn about the best cultivation and harvesting techniques. Comprehensive training includes information on new technological tools and marketing techniques to help increase sales. Soon our training platform will be available for everyone to sign in. In the meantime, you can read deliverable 4 in full in our Knowledge Centre.