The WildMAPsFit website was translated into Greek, Turkish, Spanish and Italian thanks to the cooperative work of all the partners, who join forces to translate every page from English to their native language.
Since now on, you can read every piece of information about the project in the language you feel most comfortable with, or learn how to say Our work in five different languages, for example.
The structure of the website is the same one, on the top menu you still have Home, Our work, Knowledge centre, Community and News – but you can also find it as Αρχική σελίδα, Η δουλειά μας, Κέντρο γνώσεων, Κοινότητα and Νέα in Greek or as Inizio, Il nostro lavoro, Documentazione, Comunità and Notizie in Italian.
You can also download the WildMAPsFit brochure in all five languages! It includes all the information about the project, its main objectives and the key aspects of our training plan. You can find it on the Knowledge centre – check it out!