The global pandemic has been affecting people all ages from more than two years now and youth has been one of the most disadvantaged groups. COVID-19 forced them to take a break from regular classes at schools or Universities, or from temporary jobs, preventing their personal, educational and social development at a critical age. For this reason, our partner EUROSUD decided to take action and apply for a Solidarity Project volunteering opportunity in the area of Bari.

“Back to Nature” is a 12-months volunteering project, expected to familiarize environmentalism amongst the local community, and also influence the people to have healthier, more varied diets. The participating volunteers and locals will improve not only their social skills but their environmental attitudes throughout the project’s various programmes. After the end of the project, the local community will have a better understanding of their surroundings and the necessary tools to change their community.
Continuing with the values of the WildMAPsFiT project, EUROSUD will be in charge promoting environment green culture and values at cultural events, as well as organizing workshops and events regarding reducing pollution and promoting sustainability.
Topics as the development of educational measures on the recognition of local species, the valorisation of biodiversity and species present in the territory of Bari/Triggiano, and the benefits of green area in the urban context will be discussed throughout the programme.