On the 13th of June, the WildMAPsFit consortium reunited in a meeting held by the University College of Dublin. The meeting aimed to put in common the work done by each partner, as well as to decide on the next steps towards the conclusion of the project next August.
Thanks to the host Dimitrios Argyropoulos and project coordinator Dimitris Fotakis the meeting was a total success. When the finals touches to the modules are put in the English version, we will start to translate the material to all the project languages! The modules will be available in English, Turkish, Greek, Spanish and Italian.
After discussing the development of the GIS tool, the meeting ended with all the partners presenting how they plan to hold the multiplier event, how they will apply the methodology created and when the events will take place.
The meeting was completed with a tour around the UCD campus, the new buildings and the historic ones, and the gardens.
With a good experience and the points to work on well defined, each partner returned to their country with renewed strength for the last two and a half months.